Sunday, October 12, 2014

Getting excited

So, as I am sure everyone knows by now my 21st birthday isn't too far away (11 days to be exact, who's counting?) so I have been arranging a get together with my closest friends and fellow cast members down here and we are going to do a day in EPCOT to drink around the world!! yay. And lucky we out Discount increases 2 days before my birthday! 

At the same time that I am really excited to FINALLY be 21, and I also kind of sad about it because usually I just do something small with my family and friends and we have had my 21st birthday party planned since I was born pracitically. So It's weird that I am not going to be there to do anything with them. We will be celebrating in January when I come home, so I basically get two birthdays in one year!! 

I've just been really busy lately with work, so I haven't been doing much! Tuesday Ashley and I have a magic Kingdom outing planned after her flight gets in, which should be cool considering the new Haunted Manison merchandise location, Momento Mori, just opened a few days back. From all the pictures it looks really cool. Although it's so popular you now have to wait in line to get inside the store, and they only let a certain number of people in at a time. 
I am still excited to see it. I may try and convince her we should go to EPCOT after we finish at MK because its' a halloween party night and MK closes at 7. 
Who knows. So that's all going to be the majority of my next vlog! 

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