Wednesday, June 25, 2014

It's been awhile

Hi everybody! This is my first blog post in like three weeks, wow. I just went from one extreme to another, posting more than once a day, and then not at all. 

Time is literally flying by right now, I don't know if it's because I am working so much, sleeping in all my free time or because I have actually made some really great friends and have been having the best times with! 

This program is wonderful, don't get me wrong, but it's not what we thought it would be. The amount of work they have us doing is crazy, the hours are crazy, and the Brazilian tour groups...are CRAZY. 
Brazilian tour group season just started, as did hurricane season. I don't know which one I am more afraid of...haha. Being a College Program participate I am automatically signed up to be on Disney's Hurricane Ride Out Crew. Which means that in the event of a hurricane they will bus me to a Disney hotel where I will sit and entertain guests, help pass out food, blankets, etc for up to 72 straight hours with pay. I feel like there is a lot of pressure on us to step up to the plate on this one...Well....I may be having a panic attack during this event...since they are busing us over during it. 

So I saw FANTASMIC for the first time, and if you have never seen it, you must. Oh my god it is wonderful! I absolutely loved it! 

My favorite parade by far is the Festival of Fantasy  I have seen it like 6 times so yes, I absolutely love it.
We learned that we do get fastpasses, and you can bet that now that we know we are actually using them when ever we can.

It's going to be a crazy busy summer though, because what they are calling the "cp gap" is coming up. It means that the cp's they currently have a lot of them are leaving in just a few weeks, so right before the summer gets underway. and then the next groups of cps don't start coming until August/September. So those of us that are here they are going to be using like crazy. I am waiting for the nice pay checks to roll in! 

Have a Magical day everyone! 

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